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Divine names of Creator & Son lost in multiple translations with history & time?

Acts 4:12 Philippians 2:9

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Hebrew may be the world's oldest alphabet. 

Petrovich's discovery started back in 2012 when he was researching hieroglyphic inscriptions online from an Egyptian stone slab dated 1842 B.C. The "slab," known as Sinai 115, identified Joseph and his sons Ephraim and Manasseh– all figures from the Hebrew Bible, the latter of whom inscribed the hieroglyphs on the "slab" himself. Something in the text Manasseh wrote– translation "6 Levantines: Hebrews of Bethel, the beloved," which referred to himself, his son, and four other Hebrews on a turquoise mining expedition– caught the eye of Petrovich. It was the world's oldest letter, he says.

“On this otherwise Middle Egyptian caption were a Canaanite syllabic and the world’s oldest attested proto-consonantal letter–‘B’, depicting a house for the Hebrew consonant Bayit,” Petrovich told Foxnews.com. “It was this single proto-consonantal Hebrew letter that helped me to understand that the world’s oldest alphabet, the language of which has been unidentified for over 150 years of scholarship, is Hebrew.”

This evidence shows me that the Bible believers used Hebrew, and the Canaanite used syllabic.

Hebrew may be world's oldest alphabet 


Lesson [Ah-chaad] Pronunciation and Past


As you scroll through this lesson, you will be getting a good look at the language's ins and outs (Lashawan) pronunciation and some of the history segment by segment. Now, as I said, Ancient Paleo Hebrew is entirely different, but there are some similarities when it comes to some words and the writing system. There are characters to represent the sound, but I was not able to download the keyboard.


Chapter-1 Why did invaders persecute my Ancestors?


Alright, so before I tell you how the very Original Hebrew of my people was changed and tampered with, you must first understand why it all happened. With that said, let's begin.

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob had given a Set of Laws, statues, and commandments to Moses to give to his chosen people the Hebrew Israelites to follow and live by. Still, if we broke them and not obeyed them, curses would fall upon us for generations until we corrected ourselves

Deuteronomy 28:15. It shall come to pass if you will not listen unto the voice of the LORD your God, observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command you to this day; that all these curses shall fall upon you and overtake you.

So my ancestors being a hard-headed type of people, did not listen and took the Covenant they made with God for granted at the time. Then the curses started to take effect, and because we continued to disobey God eventually, he allowed Enemy Nation to overthrow us. Takes us in as slaves or chased us out of our land, forcing many of us into hiding.

Deuteronomy 26:68 and the LORD shall bring you into Egypt again with ships, by the way, I spoke unto you, you shall not see your land anymore: and there you shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall save you.

The term Egypt used in this context means bondage, which suggests slavery. The last enactment of that curse was the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade, which was a real-life event.

First, you need to know there are about 21 constants except for the vowel, that make up the alphabet. Don't rush; you rush yourself or anything but take your time. As I said, it's easy like 1 2 3 literally. The challenge is getting to know the Paleo script. The Assyrian text is ok, but it gets tricky, so I will show how it works in another lesson.

Basic Pronunciation

• Ah • Ba • Ga • Da • Ha • Wa • Za • Chaa • Ta • Ya • Ka • La • Ma • Na • Sa • I-vowel • Pa • Taza • Qa • Ra • Sha • Tha

When it comes to using the characters, you read and write from right to left, but since we were using its pronunciation, for now, it should go from left to right.

I'm still curious about my people's history comment below. Want me to go over a specific topic with the language comment below.

You just got to know a little more about my people and their Lashawan Qadash (Holy Tongue).

See you later (Natharaahh Baqarawab).

Lesson [Sha-na-yam] Writing System and Corruption


Barawak Ahch wa Ahchwath - Welcome brothers and Sisters

Throughout this lesson, I will be showing you how to use the Modern-day Assyrian script with my people's language as it is used more in today's society, but I will give you a glimpse of the Paleo script as well. So you can see both sides of the old and new. Like I said in the last lesson, when you use the characters, you read and write from right to left, but the sounds are from left to right. With that out the way, let's get into some of the histories.


Chapter-2 Who corrupted the language, and what did they change?

So in today's lesson, I will be pointing out the many changes to the Original Hebrew and What Nations are responsible for those changes. You are also going to find out what today's most common Hebrew actual is. I will be stating some of this info from The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler etc. So with that said let's begin;

Those who exiled into Babylon eventually started using the Assyrian script, a.k.a (Ezra script), because of the persecutions of people. At the same time, those who remained in Judea's land continued to use the Phoenician script. The Israelites had to adapt to their surroundings; this is how the Assyrian text came into use. Arthur Koestler proved that the {Ashkenazi Jewish} factions of Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and Germany were not descendants of the true biblical Israelites; but are the descendants of the Khazarian converts of the {Khazarian Empire} (7th – 10th century A.D.).

So when they moved into our lands, they brought the language known today as Yiddish, which has many combinations of Hebrew, German, Latin, Cyrillic, and Coptic tongues, etc. The only thing Hebrew about the language of the so-called Jewish people in Israel is the characters of the Hebrew alphabet. The writing itself can have nothing to do with the actual language of the Hebrews.

"The ancient Hebrew text consisted only of consonants since the Hebrew alphabet had no written vowels. Vowel signs were invented by the Jewish Masoretic scholars in the sixth century and later." Zondervan bible gives information about how the Masoretes injected the vowel points, and I will show you the details on why the Masoretes chose to do so. They were first established as the {Greeks} before the Jewish people resurfaced as Masoretes (during the same time of the Khazar Empire).

When the Greeks received the ancient Phoenician language in the 9th century B.C., they added the influence of vowels on the Phoenician tongue (this was even before the Masoretes of the 6th century; this method resurged during the time of the Masoretes to show you the connection between the Greeks and the modern-day Jewish nation). Greeks took their language, which descended from Latin, Cyrillic, and Coptic and started intermingling their communication with the Phoenician/Hebrew language. For example, A.H. switched to Alpha, B.A. switched to Beta, GA switched to Gamma, K.A. switched to Kappa, and so on. Does this look familiar?

The Phoenician combined with the Greek is very similar to the Yiddish or the modern-day Hebrew in use today, accepted as the official language of Hebrew. Here is the correlation, the original A.H. to the Greek modification Alpha into the Yiddish pronunciation of Aleph; B.A. was changed to Beta and in Yiddish became Bet; G.A. switched to Gamma into Gimel, K.A. switched to Kappa into Kap, and so on. You can make the rest of the comparisons on your own time.

Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge Lashawan Qadash UPK LASHAWAN QADASH ISUPK.COM

I found some more information about the U.P.K. The U.P.K. in the New York-area are known for their elaborate demonstration in Times Square in which they would teach their beliefs in public to onlookers. The group drew sharp criticism for their harsh and abusive language towards whites and those who disagreed. The U.P.K. founded by Ahba Bivens, an Israelite teacher from Harlem who debated other black religious teachers in the famous "step ladder speaking tradition." The U.P.K.'s teachings displayed both traditional Christian elements and what I would later recognize as traditional messianic Black Hebrew teachings. The U.P.K. believed in the inerrancy of the 1611 King James Bible and considered it the pure literal "Word of God." The Christology of the U.P.K. was reasonably traditional in most regards; they accepted the Trinity, the pre-existence of Christ, and believe in the bodily resurrection and second coming of Christ. A key difference, however, was the rejection of the doctrine of the virgin birth.

 I discovered the U.P.K. also had several unique teachings. First, the group believed in reincarnation. The sect believes the souls of the people of the Bible continued to be recycled throughout the ages down to contemporary times. The faction asserted that their leader Masha (Moses), was a reincarnation of King David.

Secondly, they believed U.F.O.s were angelic chariots. They used the descriptions given by U.F.O. Enthusiasts and cited Ezekiel's vision of the "wheel within a wheel" as proof of what people called U.F.O.s were really "Ma-la-ka-yam" (angelic forces) attacking whites for their oppression of the "true" nation of Israel.


I know the Trinity is false invented by Tertullian. I'm also white myself. Still, the Truth of the Lashawan Qadash explains Yasharahla (Israel) Ishi (Ah-Yashaya) and Ahayah starting with an "A" as it uses the first Hebrew letter of the Aleph-Bet.

Another Holiness sects typically have the least Hebrew usage, with some believing that Hebrew will be given supernaturally by Yahweh. 

Based on their reading of Zephaniah 3:9, which states, "For then will I turn to the people a pure language that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent." Sects with this perspective view Hebrew as part of the redemptive process along with being transported back to the land of Israel. Another example of the eschatological undercurrents present in Black Judaism asserts that God will provide his chosen people all that they need in the future to worship Him in "spirit and truth."



I know that Holy and Holiness is Pagan, but Zephaniah 3:9 does indicate that a pure language will occur. The Paleo Hebrew YASAT will try to remove all foreign Gods and idols. 

The Father said;

Exodus 23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. 

The Mashi'aH (Son) said;

1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. mna Ahman.

Zephaniah 3:9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may call upon the name of A'HâYâH, to serve him with one consent.

archive.org is an online library of books, and they have a video on Lashawan Qadash which shows me its important.


Father's NAME is found only once in the original Paleo Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament-Holy Bible).

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Real name of the Messiah found in the PDF

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✅ Find out the true name of the Father ✅ Find out the true name of the Son, our Saviour

✅ Find out what manuscripts have the real name of the SON preserved!

✅ Find out the real answer to the Trinity and why it is man-made!

✅ Find out where the scriptures were altered or changed into thinking you can follow the Serpents Law (anything goes).

✅ Find out why the term GOD, is actually praising the name of SATAN

✅ Find out why the terms of Elohim, Amen, Christ and Lord are actually PAGAN in nature

✅ Find out the more information on the MARK OF THE BEAST

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